Hormone therapy Maryland Heights, MO - Renewed Balance Clinic

Overview of Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is the use of hormones to supplement low levels in the body. As we age or due to medical conditions, our bodies may not produce optimal amounts of key hormones like testosterone, estrogen, thyroid hormones, growth hormone, and others. Replacing these hormones through methods like injections, gels, patches and pills can provide immense benefits.

At Renewed Balance Clinic in Maryland Heights, we offer customized hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help patients regain energy, strength, mental clarity and an overall sense of wellbeing. Our experienced medical team utilizess cutting-edge hormone testing and the latest medical research to design tailored treatment regimens.

Below we will explore key topics around hormone therapy: types of treatments, common symptoms of hormone imbalance, frequently replaced hormones, and the benefits of optimizing your levels specifically in the Maryland Heights area. We have also highlighted the expertise and services offered at Renewed Balance Clinic that set us apart.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of hormone deficiency, we encourage you to get tested and start treatment if appropriate. Rebalancing your levels can profoundly impact quality of life, from how you look and feel each day, to long-term health. Renewed Balance Clinic is here to guide you on that journey.

Types of Hormone Therapies

There are various delivery methods used in hormone replacement tailored to each patient's needs and preferences:

Our services


Transdermal Gels and Patches

Oral Administration

Thyroid hormones are almost always supplemented orally through tablets. Renewed Balance Clinic carries name brand thyroid medications as well as reliable generics.

Overall our clinic offers a breadth of hormone therapies using gels, patches, supplements or injections. Our experienced staff looks at your blood tests and discusses all options to choose the best course. Convenience, out-of-pocket costs and precision can vary.

Take control of your health. Get tested today.

Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Patients come to Renewed Balance Clinic with a wide array of symptoms that are often caused by undiagnosed hormone deficiency:

Low testosterone afflicts up to 40% percent of men over age 40. Menopause impacts millions of women. Thyroid disorders are extremely common. Even those who eat well and exercise may have hormonal imbalance.

Renewed Balance Clinic tests key hormones using blood panels and also looks holistically at lifestyle when designing therapy. You will get time to review results with our staff and never feel rushed. Ongoing monitoring ensures your treatment stays optimized.

Do not ignore persistent symptoms that are diminishing your wellbeing. Get tested and explore hormone therapy suited to your body.

Major Hormones Replaced

There are over 50 hormones in the human body that work in concert to regulate critical activities. At Renewed Balance Clinic Maryland Heights, we often focus on optimizing these key hormones:



* Estrogen levels drop during perimenopause and menopause, leading to hot flashes, sleep disruption, vaginal atrophy and bone loss in women. * Our clinic prescribes bioidentical estrogen and progesterone using gels, pellets or patches to reduce symptoms and protect long-term health.

Thyroid Hormones

* Low thyroid function causes fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold and hair thinning. Maryland Heights has many thyroid patients. * We provide customized natural or synthetic thyroid medication and comprehensive testing to continually verify dosing.

Human Growth Hormone

* Growth hormone starts declining even by age 30, allowing fatigue, anxiety, decreased muscle mass, poor skin healing and thinning hair to develop. * Renewed Balance Clinic administers daily growth hormone injections using a very small needle to robustly restore IGF-1 levels.

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DHEA, melatonin, cortisol and other hormones can also be replaced depending on symptoms and bloodwork. Ask us if you think another hormone could be causing ongoing issues. Our practitioners stay abreast of all the latest research to provide exceptional patient guidance.

Interesting fact

Estrogen therapy may help strengthen women's bones and reduce fracture risk after menopause. However, starting it more than 10 years after menopause provides fewer benefits for bone health, suggesting there may be a crucial window early in menopause when estrogen helps bones the most.

Benefits of Balancing Hormones

Patients are amazed that many bothersome symptoms they thought were inevitable results of aging or “getting out of shape” are actually due to treatable hormone imbalance.

If low energy, weight gain and lost vitality are diminishing your quality of life, balancing your hormones could provide immense benefits:

Regain Energy and Resilience

* Hormone optimization reduces fatigue so you can get back to regular activity and exercise * Enhanced energy leads to taking up beloved hobbies again and enjoying time with family * Growth hormone and testosterone amplify endurance, stamina and recovery from activity

Reduce Body Fat and Build Lean Muscle

* Proper hormone levels shift more calories into metabolically active muscle vs inactive fat * Nutrition partitions into building and firming muscle so you regain tone and strength * Weight training becomes more productive when testosterone facilitates developing larger muscles

Restore Sharp Thinking and Memory

* Key hormones reduce brain fog so your mind feels more agile and quick again * Focus and long-term memory improve with consistent treatment * Overall cognitive function and processing speed are enhanced

Improve Mood and Emotional Health

* Balancing hormones commonly relieves anxiety and depression * Testosterone, estrogen and thyroid hormones help regulate neurotransmitters related to mood * You feel more positive and capable of handling stress * Growth hormone elevates overall wellbeing and enjoyment of life

Along with the above, balanced hormones support better sleep quality, heart health, resilient bone density, healthy hair and skin regeneration.

Patients find hormone optimization allows them reclaim how great they used to look and feel. Renewed Balance Clinic Maryland Heights invites you to explore treatment tailored for you.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Renewed Balance Clinic Expertise and Services

Renewed Balance Clinic is a top hormone therapy and wellness clinic focused on helping patients restore energy, mental sharpness and quality of life through precision testing and treatment.

What sets Renewed Balance Clinic Maryland Heights apart:

Our passion is facilitating patients feeling their best physically and mentally via hormone therapy. Whether addressing low testosterone, menopause symptoms, thyroid disorders or related issues, you will find compassionate care and the latest medical expertise at Renewed Balance Clinic Maryland Heights.

Maryland Heights Hormone Therapy

Renewed Balance Clinic is conveniently located to serve Maryland Heights and surrounding St. Louis County area. We created this promotional article specifically for Maryland Heights residents seeking hormone treatment.

Maryland Heights offers wonderful parks, walking trails, shopping, entertainment and community events that are great to take advantage of when you regain energy and health via hormone therapy. Excellent blood testing labs exist locally to monitor treatment progress. And we have many healthy cafes and restaurants that support continuing balanced nutrition and lifestyle.

Renewed Balance Clinic has partnered with top Maryland Heights establishments like local parks, cafes, testing labs that patients have enjoyed while undergoing treatment. Ask us about great local spots to try while moving through your hormone optimization process.

Being consistent with customized therapy is vital, and having blood tests performed nearby helps. Renewed Balance Clinic is committed to making hormone replacement as streamlined and simple for busy Maryland Heights patients as possible.

We know it takes courage to address ongoing frustration with fatigue, weight gain and feeling your age. Take that first step and ask Renewed Balance Clinic Maryland Heights for guidance back to peak wellness.


Balancing key hormones that decline with age or due to medical conditions can profoundly restore energy, mental sharpness, fitness and overall wellbeing. Renewed Balance Clinic leverages proven testing, bioidentical hormones, supplements and lifestyle guidance to help patients address frustrating symptoms holding them back.

Our Maryland Heights center offers personalized therapy for low testosterone, menopause, thyroid disorders and more. If your quality of life has slipped and you wonder whether hormone imbalance could be a factor, contact us today. Our medical experts will listen intently, analyze your bloodwork and create a tailored treatment plan to help you thrive once again.

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